Say what you want to say, in your own way, when and to whom you want to. This is the main purpose of PODD (Pragmatic Organized Dynamic Display). The program was developed by Australian speech therapist Gayle Porter. The vocabulary is organized according to a practical logic. This means you can quickly see whether you are telling a story, asking a question or making a joke. This compensates for the fact that you cannot use your surroundings, controlled movements, facial expressions or intonation.

Please find the quick user manual and a full user manual for PODD. If you are living in the USA and you are interested in PODD courses, you can subscribe to a PODD training on Linda J. Burkhart’s website.

For more information on PODD, certified PODD trainers, and PODD training events click here.

To learn more about PODD history and development click here.

English PODD 15 communication board.


Tell a story, ask a question or make a joke in a practical way.

Focus on daily life

Say what you want to say, in your own way, when and to whom you want to.

Well-founded communication strategy

Developed by Australian speech therapist Gayle Porter.

Digital and paper versions

Use PODD where and when you want, combine the paper and digital version.

PODD Communication books

The PODD communication book Direct Access Templates resource includes PODD communication books designed for direct pointing with a whole hand, finger or tool.  Some of these page sets can also be modified to accommodate pick up and give/show or partner-assisted visual scanning access methodologies.  These communication books are available with varied and scalable levels of linguistic complexity to support language development and meet the motor, visual, and language needs of each user.

PODD communication books come in three main forms:

  1. One page opening
  2. Two page opening
  3. Two page opening plus a side panel

PODD books also include Group books, designed for communication partners to talk to groups of children learning to use aided language. There are two versions of Group books: Vest version and Book version.

Detailed information and construction files for each access methodology are included with the relevant page sets. These support files can be accessed directly from each template and are also listed below:

PODD 9 Early Functions

PODD 9 Expanded Functions

PODD 12 Early Functions

PODD 12 Expanded Functions

PODD 16 Expanded Functions

PODD 20 Expanded Functions

PODD 36 expanded Key Word

PODD 40 expanded Key Word

PODD 48 expanded Key Word

PODD 70 expanded Key Word

PODD 90 Plus Complex Syntax

PODD 100 Plus Complex Syntax

PODD Group Books

PODD Design & Implementation Book

The PODD Design & Implementation Book describes the theoretical bases and characteristics of the PODD communication books. It also provides detailed information on learning and teaching strategies to support the PODD implementation with people with complex communication needs.
Click here to download Design & Implementation Book

PODD dynamic pagesets

We have different dynamic pagesets available in English:

  • PODD 15 Preschool AUS
  • PODD 15 Preschool AUS Eye Gaze
  • PODD 15 Preschool US
  • PODD 15 Preschool US Eye Gaze
  • PODD 15 School AUS
  • PODD 15 School AUS EyeGaze
  • PODD 15 School US
  • PODD 15 School US Eyegaze
  • PODD 15+ Preschool AUS
  • PODD 15+ Preschool AUS EyeGaze
  • PODD 15+ Preschool US
  • PODD 15+ Preschool US EyeGaze
  • PODD 15+ School AUS
  • PODD 15+ School AUS EyeGaze
  • PODD 15+ School US
  • PODD 15+ School US EyeGaze
  • PODD 60 Complex AUS
  • PODD 60 Complex AUS EyeGaze
  • PODD 60 Complex US
  • PODD 60 Complex US EyeGaze
  • PODD 60 Expanded Keyword School AUS
  • PODD 60 Expanded Keyword School AUS EyeGaze
  • PODD 60 Expanded Keyword School US
  • PODD 60 Expanded Keyword School US EyeGaze

In October 2020 we have released the newest PODD files, all approved by Gayle Porter. You might wonder what’s new?

Both in PODD 60 as PODD 15/15+

  • Quick talk mode button allows to save a message temporarily and engage in a different conversation.
  • Use the calculator page.
  • Other optional settings: turn word prediction off in keyboard pages (it’s on by default), turn symbols off in message window (it’s on by default), sending the contents of the message window to another device.

PODD 15/15+

  • Use the simplified e-mail page. Sends just text or text and symbols as a picture attachment.
  • Choose and play videos. You can play the video, open a chat page to talk about the video and express opinions about the video at the same time.
  • Choose and play YouTube videos from a pre-defined list of favorite YouTube videos. You can play the YouTube video, open a chat page to talk about the YouTube video and express opinions about the video at the same time.


  • Use word morphology to modify tenses and word endings.
  • Use one of the numerous applications: watch movies, take selfies, flip through photo albums, listen to music and radio channels.
  • Choose what you want to watch and visit on Youtube and the internet. You can actually type words and search for topics.
  • Send, receive, and reply to e-mail and text messages.
  • Store messages and stories that can be retrieved at a later time.
  • Automatic grammar is on. Users can also have labels change dynamically if they turn the settings option ‘change label according to grammar’ on.

You can try them out for 30 days on www.mindexpress.jabbla.com. You need PCS-symbols for PODD.

Continuous language immersion

The combination of logically organised symbol books and modeling (= friends, family and other carers who serve as models for learning and imitating) encourages a continuous language immersion. It all works through the combination of a paper version, the PODD books and a digital version that runs on Mind Express. To do this, you need to purchase a PODD license and you need PCS symbols.

Order PODD Free trial for 30 days