Update Vibe 10

Here you will find the latest version of the Vibe 10 software:

Vibe 10 v3.0.0.19

Download and install the package to update your device. Follow the on-screen instructions during installation. You will need to enter the serial number of your Vibe, which can be found on the label on the stand of your device. You will also be asked for which country you wish to install the software.

This latest version has a new feature on board:

  • Support for vJoy.  vJoy is a virtual joystick driver which is being used in some countries (e.g. UK).


The previous version was v3.0.0.16.

To check which version you are currently using, first right-click

on the JABBLA icon in the taskbar and select Options:

A windows will pop up showing the details of the installed Vibe 10 software.

The current version of the software is shown at the bottom left: