Calling in Mind Express 5

** With version of Mind Express 5, connecting with a smartphone has become much simpler. More information about how to use text messaging in Mind Express 5 can be found on this FAQ-page. The first option described below can still be used with older versions of Mind Express 5. We do however recommend updating Mind Express 5 when having difficulties with connecting your phone.** 


Option 1:

You are in possession of a Mobi 3 or Tellus (i)5 device and you have an Android smartphone. In that case you can use the Jabbla BT app. This app can be installed on an Android smartphone (no iPhone support) and will ensure that you can call and send text messages via your Mobi 3 or Tellus (i)5. You can download the Jabbla BT app on your smartphone via this link.

In Mind Express 5, choose the option “<device name> external phone” in the phone menu. More details can be found in the manual of your device or via this link in the ME5 manual.


Option 2 & 3:

These 2 options are explained in detail on our new FAQ-page.